Online Training


  • Implementing Fourth Generation HIV Tests

    This one-hour webinar by the Denver Prevention Training Center focuses on the technology and implications of the new fourth generation HIV tests as well as practical considerations for their implementation in clinical settings.

Learning Modules

  • HIV Web Study

    Features over 80 interactive case studies that cover a broad array of topics related to the clinical care of HIV-infected persons. Each topic includes case studies, discussion points, high-quality illustrations, and graphics, references, and links.
  • ACTHIV 2014 - CME/CNE-Certified Web Curriculum

    The 8th Annual American Conference for the Treatment of HIV (ACTHIV) was held May 8-10, 2014 in Denver, CO. View the following courses presented at the conference and receive continuing education credits (CME/CNE credit is awarded for each module). After viewing the course, follow the link in the course instructions to receive CME/CNE credit. Courses are free and available online at any time through October 2015. 

    Initial Evaluation of an HIV Patient: Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy (When, What and How)
    The Epidemiology of HIV and its Relevance to the Clinician
    Chronic Complications of HIV Disease
    Hepatitis C: Epidemiology, Transmission, and Screening
    Current State of Treatment for HCV
    Aging, Women, and HIV